From what I can tell, a good marriage requires self-knowledge by each person and the freedom to communicate to the other what each feels without fearing being shut down, walled off, or made to feel inferior by the other person. Also, it would appear that, often, women perceive men as slipping into a routine in life, and not making their lady feel desired. I don’t mean just to get laid. I mean that she wants to be desired, to be in his thoughts, and to be courted. I recently had to ask a woman to reach something for me in a store. After thanking her, she wished me a good day. She was in her early forties, attractive and trim. I responded: “ Any man lucky enough to look at you by definition has had a good day!” She responded: “Please tell my husband!” I told her to go home and slap him. It breaks my heart when I hear things like that. I have been married for 45 years. When my wife gets dressed and comes down the stairs, she will always hear: “Wow! You look amazing!” And she knows I mean it. As for what men want, giving his lady that kind of TLC might produce more of what he wants. Let me just point out to the ladies that, if a man’s lady is not loving toward him, there are a lot of women out there. No one should be taken for granted.