. I have read that one aspect of marriage that grates on women is when men dump a responsibility that is on both of them fully upon the woman. For instance, I read about one guy who bragged that, when they got back from their honeymoon, he made a point of dropping dishes frequently enough that his wife basically banned him from dishwashing. He made sure she always did the dishes. I wonder how long it took for her to let someone to do her?
. In another case, the man turfed out all family matters-including his family-to her. He dumped birthdays, Christmas — the whole works — on her. To make it worse, his family was not fond of her. He thought he got over on her. I wonder how long it took for her to pay him back-big time.
. The big danger signal in a relationship is the inability to talk about an issue. As soon as any issue becomes one that cannot be discussed, that becomes the first step on the way out of a relationship.