I must regrettably disagree with your perspective.
No one can doubt that indigenous people were in the western hemisphere over 15,000 years ago and may have come as early as 25,000 years ago or even more.
As of yet, to the best of my knowledge, there have been no findings of any hominid ancestors to Homo sapiens found anywhere in the western hemisphere. That is not to say that some evidence may not be found in the future. But none has been found as of yet.
There is no evidence of Europeans having reached the western hemisphere before the ninth century.
Anyone who would consider the claims of Europeans and indigenous people to the western hemisphere as being equal is simply incorrect.
They were numerous civilizations, many quite advanced, in the western hemisphere before Europeans came to the western hemisphere in large numbers. What was done by those Europeans to the indigenous people was, by today’s standards, horrific. If any group has a claim for reparations, the indigenous people are high among them.
But that evil that was done to them in no way allows them to claim that they arose independently in the western hemisphere without proof that, as of now, does not exist.