I understand intellectually what you are saying. However-most respectfully-I think you may not appreciate what you are asking of men. Women sometimes think the opposition to housework is just men overdosing on toxic masculinity. It is really more complex. My dad did the dishes with my mom, but, domestically, that was about it. Domesticity was not put down. It just wasn't part of the equation. I am sure my dad would no sooner vacuum the house than he would take up embroidery without prompting.There was no model of men equally dividing housework.No one in my family or community or in 1950's middle-class America did that. That whole concept-at least in the U.S.-came about through the women's movement. I do far more at home than my dad did. I am absolutely sure it is not evenly divided, and I make improvements frequently (albeit too slowly for my wife's tastes). As you do, I believe it to be a moral imperative, especially when there are two working spouses. But culture does not turn on a dime.