If you had been born two or three generations earlier in the West, you could have found many people who, while not as restrictive as your parents, were comparable. Even now, Jewish and Christian fundamentalists (even in the United States) sometimes withdraw into communities of like-minded people who live in a manner close to what you describe. Please understand what is occurring in all such communities. This rigidity is based on a premise that patriarchy is justified. The advocates will tout verses of holy texts to support their views. But few if any faiths have originators (Abraham, Jesus, Mohammad) whose lives modeled such doctrines. In truth, those who espouse and enforce such views are, deep down, terrified of the barely governable power of the sexual impulse. They hide the female form, deny females the rights seen as axiomatic to men, and seek to keep women servile and dependent. After all, if a woman must submit to a man, that man need not work very hard to keep her. You are a human being. You have a soul. You have a God-given right to live your life as you please, governed only by the civil law of this nation and the dictates of your own conscience. The choices you make should be yours alone. Every person who reads your words is pulling for you. I hope you find you have more friends than you know. As for those who reject you? Reject them. You have freed yourself. Welcome to the 21st century!