Mr. Ridgeway makes the excellent point that billionaires are not fungible. The author of the original piece and others see Bloomberg acting solely as an anti-Socialist ploy. Let me suggest that the most recent comment is more relevant. I think Mayor Bloomberg looked at the field and did not see a candidate who could stand next to Trump and debate him well. Progressives see Trump voters only as uneducated white racists. Some are. Most are not. A very small subset makes out well because of the 2017 tax act. Most are just sick and tired of hearing their heritage, faith and way of life scorned for three generations by a self-defined elite. There are a lot of blacks and whites in that mix. They know and trust Joe Biden. Joe Biden might not win the Medium caucus or the Twitterverse primary. But Joe Biden can win America. If we don’t get Trump out of the White House, this may be our last election ever. Focus on Job One — getting Trump out of office.