Pal, I don’t have an overlord. Neither do millions of Democrats who voted for Joe this year and in the past, and will do so in November. Your post gives a master class on why the progressive movement has spectacularly failed to gain a mass following. There are political differences among people. That is a given. People can advocate for their position. No one can object to that. I truly have no complaint with the manner Senator Sanders argues for his positions, whether I agree with him or not. But you are a perfect example of the absolutism and the arrogance of far too many progressives. You want to argue in favor of the Sanders platform? More power to you. You denigrate my intelligence and moral autonomy? Let me just pose one question: do you think your response will change my views or persuade anyone who reads this exchange? It won’t. You aren’t having an argument. You are virtue signaling. Don’t even bother responding. You aren’t worth any more of my time. The problem is not with your views. The problem is you-and people who think and conduct themselves as you do.