Please allow me to suggest that you conflate two things which are not always linked. Technologically, we are so far beyond what Boomers such as I am could have imagined in our youth. Dick Tracy’s wrist radio pales before my smart phone. These technological leaps have helped to generate massive amounts of wealth. What happened to that wealth? The ultra-wealthy needs allies to secure the electoral power it needs for tax and regulation policy. The Old Right, the racists and the sexists, were natural allies. I suggest the Left played into their hands. The Old Left-Communists and fellow travelers-made support for social democracy look like Communism. The New Left led the emergence of group consciousness-women’s rights, black power, LGBTQIA rights-into an adversarial posture toward society as a whole. If you doubt that the New Left is reaction’s greatest ally, consider “Defund the police.” At least on the TV I watched during the 2020 election, that one phrase was in 95% of the GOP ads. I haven’t even been able in this brief piece to touch on the numerous cultural factors you mentioned. We have a lot to untangle!