Thanks for a very informative post! The statistical information you collected was interesting. I agree with Mr. Crawford’s comment about your general evenhandedness even while admitting to being a partisan. I also agree with him about rage in politics. My concern is that, while you justifiably point to commonality in the experience of the “Bernie bro’s” as an explanation for their devotion to Sanders and to excuse any of their excesses, you see nothing affirmative in the “MAGAs.” Not all Trump supporters are racist or uneducated. I am not now nor have I ever been a Trump supporter. But I know many who are. I was born shortly after WW II. I have seen amazing changes in my life. So have many Trumpers. Many people feel the things which gave meaning to their lives — the family, their faith, the flag — mocked and scorned by the left. Intellectual elites appear to rule the country with no regard for the working class. Add to the mix the realities of deindustrialization and the disappearance of many blue-collar jobs, add to it the resulting social decay (drug use and crime) and the aftermath of Vietnam, you can see that many things bind them together. The terrible tie that binds hard-core Trump and Sanders people to their respective candidates-and, once they realize it, to each other-is the belief they have been betrayed by the system and only radical action can ever give them a shot. I personally don’t believe either Sanders or Trump have the answers. However, that doesn’t mean I am right. I would just hope you might broaden your view of Trump supporters.